Sunday, November 2, 2008

Not So Fast Cyrus …

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Preacher: Pastor Gary Johnson

Isaiah 45:1-71
Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matthew 22:15-22

Audio sermon link:

It was a classic start to another classic Pastor Gary Johnson sermon.

It was 1962. social studies class. His teacher left the room, coming back some time later in silence with the news that he had been called up by the National Guard, that the Cuban Missile Crisis was in full swing. That WW III lay in the balance. The nukes … we had ‘em, they had ‘em. This was bad news.

All of today’s texts reckon with the theme that this could be WW III. The powers that be, the politics are all coming crashing down.

So how are we going to let the world affect us?

Millions of lost jobs. 1.5 wars. Dads, moms, wives, husbands, sons, daughters sacrificed. And in the end, the question:

Who has control over our lives. Or, most telling, whom do we allow to have this control? Several weeks ago, Pastor Mohn begged the question: Where are you from? Whom do you belong to? Today, we ask it again, albeit in a slightly different context.

Who do you belong to?

Pastor Johnson recounts the story that in 1849, archaeologists found the so-called Cyrus Cylinder on which was inscribed “I am Cyrus, King of Kings, King to the Four Quarters”. He had a message. He was the head honcho, big man on campus, and (forgive me, Wisconsin) the Big Cheese. Then The Almighty shows up not too unlike Steve Martin exclaiming, “EXCUUUUUUUUSE MEEEEEEEE!”

Excuse me, Cyrus, but, hey, I formed the light out of darkness. The life from no life, yeah, that was me too dude! Read it in Isaiah today … I go, I level, I break, I cut, I give, I call, I name, I arm, I am, I am, I am!

Translation: Cyrus, you’re not so hot.

Well, not in the grand scheme o’ things perspective.

Who do you belong to? God or some fellow named Cyrus, some Cyrus “of the moment”.

Paul, in his pastoral letter to the Thessalonians, claimed he knew the Word of God “came” to them. Pastor Johnson filled us in that the translation from the Greek text was more intimately “the Word fo God ‘came inside them’ … literally inside them”. And with God truly inside you, you’re not about THIS world, you’re not about “I’ve got mine and I want more. I never got no nothing from no body, thank you! You’re not about power and domination, bu about love & forgiveness & fellowship. You’re about the weekly rummage sale the Thessalonians had where they “shared the wealth” with each other. They were the socialists of their time. They belonged to God, not to Caesar.

In the context of this year’s heated election claims, it was not a hard leap to see the Herodians and the Pharisees join forces to spread the seeds of fallacy, to become (in Pastor Johnson’s well-chosen words) “total Eddie Haskel”, liar-liar. This was like Packer fans and Viking fans getting together, to rat out some Bear fans, or so he offered. And, not unlike this year, it was about your taxes. But these taxes were not “your Daddy’s taxes”. They were not for the common good, for roads, better health care, but merely a tribute to Caesar, a visual show for the Cyrus of his day so you’d get the message about who the Big Cheese was this century.

This is not a world that disenfranchises us? We thought they were our pension plans, but they were stolen by the likes of those we’d never met, and I hope we never do. People we don’t know bet our life’s savings and lost it. But Pastor Johnson paused and said it best after the quiet.

Real disciples know it was never ours to begin with. We have no control … in the end. Who do we belong to? God or Caesar? Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.

And what is God’s? Isaiah reminds us: EVERYTHING! Everything you are or could ever become. The world has no power over Jesus. And, IF YOU SO DECIDE, the world can and will have no power over you. In the most powerful moment of the morning, Pastor Johnson asked everyone to mentally conjure up “the very worst thing you’d done in your entire life, the absolute worst thing …. Now, do you have it? I imagine it wasn’t a long grasp to find it. You’ve got it? Now imagine this: It’s COMPLETELY FORGIVEN – no strings attached.

Caesar, Cyrus … on their very best days … can’t do that.

Whom do you belong to?

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