Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Fought The Law and … the Law Won

Sunday October 4, 2009
Preacher: Pastor Kendra Mohn

Genesis 2:18-24
Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12
Mark 10:2-16

Audio sermon file:


Divorce is very often very emotional, fraught with despair, pain, but sometimes also relief. When the Pharisees question Jesus about divorce, though, it is ALL about testing Him.

They’re not thinking about people in pain when they pose the question. They are not saying, “ How can we honor unity in the midst of a broken relationship?” They’re not saying, “How can we minister to the broken-hearted?”

What they are asking is “What does the letter of the law say?” This is actually an insult to Jesus who, in fact, created the law.

Today’s text is not so much about divorce as it is about “loopholes around the law”. The Pharisees are acting more like bookish lawyers paid high retainers to “find an out” than to serve some higher good or honor the intent of the law rather than exploit “the letter“of it.

We’ve heard the speak before:

“How little can I give to the Church and still be faithful?”
“How many times do I HAVE to forgive someone some offense?”

If you question the law, one thing you can certain of is the conversation will be a short one.

You want the law?

We often think the law (if we can find the loophole, will be on our side. Good luck with that one. It reminded Pastor Mohn of the song ...

“I fought the law … and the law won!”

But … if you can talk your way out of the law, you really don’t need Jesus. But understanding the letter of the law will help us. We need Jesus … and the Pharisees don’t get that!

You know who gets it? Children get it. Pastor Mohn told a wonderful story about Annika … that while feedng her goldfish crackers while singing, Annika gave the sign language for “more”. Upon giving her “more” crackers, she continued to sign. What she wanted was more singing!!

What we need is not more crackers, but more of Mom’s lovely voice caressing our eardrums and our hearts, more of Mom’s love for us. We need more of God’s love for us. You want the law? OK, but it won’t help you.

LOVE … is why we come together every Sunday … for “more”.

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