Tuesday, November 10, 2009

That’s Enough

Sunday November 8, 2009
Preacher: Pastor Kendra Mohn

1 Kings 17:8-16
Hebrews 9:24-28
Mark 12:38-44

“I’d rather poke a hot stick in my eye!” Gary Johnson
“Grace, gratitude, and generosity” Mick Roschke
“That’s Enough!” Kendra Mohn

A place is consumed by the vocabulary and language that comprise it. Mt. Zion is no exception. These are both memorable quotes for their oft-repeatedness and how they help plant and root many a good idea and feeling in our congregation.

Today we focus on the gratitude shown by the widow and the generosity that poured forth from it, all prompted by the grace she admitted was bestowed upon her. Today, Pastor Mohn confessed her compassion for these women who have NEVER known the feeling of having enough.

Many of us have never known or really tasted the insecure feeling that comes from feeling there is truly nothing between us and the end.

Our lives are more fragile than we like to admit.

It would be all too fine if we could just say, “All will be fine and God will take care fo everything as we would like.” This can be every bit the lie. People really do lose their jobs, lose their homes. It would be, yes, disingenuous to stand in front of these people and say, “all will be fine”.

The truth is “You’re never going to have enough”.

The security you seek is elusive.

We all have “that list of things we’re going to buy when we have enough” … the next replacement appliance around the corner, another “shiny thing” that rears its head. Requests, from Church or therwise, put a knot in our stomachs … what if my family needs it, what if we don’t have enough. Truth is …

You never have enough to stave off death. Never.

Someone may say, “Keep your pennies, dear widow … you’re going to need them” to which the widow replies “Why? So I can die Wednesday instead of Tuesday?”

Why does the widow give?

Because she knows the freedom that comes with having lived so close to death. The rest of us seek the security and happiness that will keep death away. To have enough to do that is our elusive quest. And, the truth is, there is never enough .

If, rather, what you want is to breathe freely, live life to the fullest , live in the sun, live a life for God, you already have more than enough!

That’s enough … I’m ready to retire.
That’s enough … it’s time to make a decision.
That’s enough … it’s time to run the marathon.
That’s enough … I’m leaving
That’s enough … it’s time to eat, dinner’s ready.

God is ALWAYS present in that precious moment of recognition when “that’s enough”. And that moment is now.

Now is the moment to say that’s enough. I have identified my calling as a child of God. I have recognized my part of a living community. I have enough.

The thing about the widow is she’s so fragile. She had nothing left to fear. She had the true freedom to intimately know grace, gratitude and generosity.

When will we have enough? There will NEVER be a better, more perfect moment than now.

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